2025 Festival Syllabus - Piano

Piano Concertos


Piano Concerto Classes Participants must select their level based on their age as of December 31, 2024, and the grade level that they are generally enrolled in. For example, if a participant enters mostly Level 9 classes, then they should select "Level 9 & Above" under their age group. Memorization is required for all Piano Concerto classes.

**The KWCO Concerto Competition is not included in the Piano Concerto Syllabus. This option must be selected on the main Syllabus page. KWCO Concerto Competition winners will be given the opportunity to perform with the orchestra on June 1st, 2025.

Concerto Movements One (1) movement of a concerto must be performed at the Beginner and Primary Levels. One (1) or two (2) consecutive movements may be performed at the Elementary, Junior and Intermediate Levels (with a maximum time limit 15 minutes). Two (2) consecutive movements must be performed at the Senior and Advanced Levels (with a maximum time limit of 20 minutes)

Accompaniment Concertos must be performed with piano accompaniment, and performers must make their own arrangements for an accompanist. 2 pianos will be available at the venue for concerto classes. Orchestral introductions and breaks in the accompaniment may be abridged.


Age Levels Participants must enter the age level based on their age as of December 31st, 2024, for competitive classes.

Sheet Music Participants must provide the adjudicator with a legally purchased copy of the music for all selections (a purchase receipt or IMSLP listing must be presented for digital copies), even when the piece is being performed by memory. Refer to section 7.14 of the Rules, Regulations & Guidelines for more information about Copyright.

Memorization is required for all competitive piano classes.

Time Limit Total performance time must not exceed twenty (20) minutes in total for any class. In cases where multiple movements are to be performed, and the total performance time would exceed twenty (20) minutes participants may omit one (1) movement subject to the approval of the KWKMF Coordinator. Selected movements should be contrasting and should reflect the difficulty level of the class.

OMFA Provincial Requirements
Piano Concertos Participants may choose to play either one (1) or two (2) consecutive movements of a concerto.

Participants should consult the OMFA Syllabus guidelines (www.omfa.ca) if they are interested in participating in the OMFA Provincials, as the OMFA requirements may differ from the KW Kiwanis Music Festival Syllabus. At least one (1) selection must have received a mark of 85 at the local festival.

Complete Rules & Regulations

Class:54000 - Beginner (Ages 8 & Under): Level 6 & BelowFee:$34.00Closed
Class:54010 - Beginner (Ages 8 & Under): Level 7 & AboveFee:$34.00Closed
Class:54020 - Primary (Ages 9-10): Level 6 & BelowFee:$34.00Closed
Class:54030 - Primary (Ages 9-10): Level 7 & AboveFee:$34.00Closed
Class:54040 - Elementary (Ages 11-12): Level 8 & BelowFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54050 - Elementary (Ages 11-12): Level 9 & AboveFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54060 - Junior (Ages 13-14): Level 8 & BelowFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54070 - Junior (Ages 13-14): Level 9 & AboveFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54080 - Intermediate (Ages 15-16): Level 8 & BelowFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54090 - Intermediate (Ages 15-16): Level 9 & AboveFee:$38.00Closed
Class:54100 - Senior (Ages 17-18): Diploma LevelFee:$42.00Closed
Class:54110 - Advanced (Ages 19-28): Diploma LevelFee:$42.00Closed