2025 Festival Syllabus - Strings

Cello & Double Bass

Strings Class Descriptions

Cello/Bass Solo Classes Participants must perform one (1) selection from the appropriate grade level and any Repertoire list in either the RCM Cello Syllabus 2013 Edition or the RCM Double Bass Syllabus 2004 Edition.

Recital Classes Participants must perform two contrasting (2) selections from the appropriate grade level and where applicable from different Repertoire lists in the RCM or CC Syllabus. For example, if the grade level includes List A & List B the participant should play one (1) selection from each list. If there is a List C or D, then the participant may choose which two (2) Lists to select from.

Etude Classes Participants must perform the number of Etudes indicated in the RCM or CC Syllabi for their grade level. Note that for most grade levels two (2) Etude selections are required with the following exceptions: Violin/Viola Preparatory to Level 2 must perform one (1) selection, and for Levels 7-10 participants may choose to play either a) two (2) Etudes OR b) one (1) Etude and one (1) Orchestral Excerpt (entire selection as indicated on the syllabus list). Etudes do not need to be memorized.

Suzuki Strings Suzuki Strings classes are "Non-Competitive" and are open to any string participants who wish to play selections from a Suzuki Method Book (Levels 1-5). Participants may play one (1) selection or two (2) short selections (with a time limit of no more than 5 minutes performance time). Memorization is not required. **See below regarding OMFA Eligibility under Strings Rules & Regulations.

Strings Rules & Regulations

Accompaniment Participants must perform with live piano accompaniment for all Classical Strings repertoire classes (except where the syllabus indicates that a piece is "Unaccompanied") and performers must make their own arrangements for an accompanist..

Multi-movement Selections One (1) selection may consist of multiple movements, where specified in the RCM or CC Syllabus (ex. Sonatas & Concertos). Participants must perform the movement(s) specified in the syllabus where applicable. For example, the syllabus may require that only one movement of a piece be played, or that two or more specific movements be played.

Time Limit Total performance time must not exceed twenty (20) minutes in total for any class. In cases where multiple movements are to be performed, and the total performance time would exceed twenty (20) minutes participants may omit one (1) movement subject to the approval of the KWKMF Coordinator. Selected movements should be contrasting and should reflect the difficulty level of the class.

Sheet Music Participants must provide the adjudicator with a legally purchased copy of the music for all selections (a purchase receipt or IMSLP listing must be presented for digital copies), even when the piece is being performed by memory. Refer to section 7.14 of the Rules, Regulations & Guidelines for more information about Copyright.

Memorization is required for all competitive Strings Repertoire classes except for Sonatas/Sonatinas (as indicated in each syllabus). Exceptions include Cello Levels 6-7: List A (only repertoire marked with *asterisk from List A must be memorized), Cello Levels 8-ARCT: List B, Bass Levels 7-ARCT: List B..

OMFA Provincial Requirements
Classical Lower Strings Solo Two (2) selections must be performed (optional: three (3) selections for Open level), and selections must be in the current RCM or CC Syllabi (no exceptions). One (1) selection may be an etude.

*Participants who enter in Non-Competitive classes (including Suzuki classes) may be eligible for OMFA nominations if they perform selections that are included in the RCM or CC Syllabi (see Classical Strings Class Descriptions above) and receive a mark of 85% or above (marks will be recorded privately and will not be shared with the class).

Adult Amateur Solo Two (2) selections must be performed.
Participants should consult the OMFA Syllabus guidelines (www.omfa.ca) if they are interested in participating in the OMFA Provincials, as the OMFA requirements may differ from the KW Kiwanis Music Festival Syllabus. At least one (1) selection must have received a mark of 85 at the local festival.

Participants should consult the OMFA Syllabus guidelines (www.omfa.ca) if they are interested in participating in the OMFA Provincials, as the OMFA requirements may differ from the KW Kiwanis Music Festival Syllabus. At least one (1) selection must have received a mark of 85 at the local festival.

Strings Resources
CC Classical Violin Syllabus
RCM Violin Syllabus, 2021 Edition
RCM Cello Syllabus, 2013 Edition
RCM Viola Syllabus, 2013 Edition
RCM Double Bass Syllabus, 2004 Edition

Complete Rules & Regulations

Cello & Double Bass - Non-Competitive

Class:60000 - Non-Competitive: Cello/Bass SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60005 - Non-Competitive: Cello/Bass RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60011 - Suzuki Strings Book 1Fee:$30.00Closed
Class:60012 - Suzuki Strings Book 2Fee:$30.00Closed
Class:60013 - Suzuki Strings Book 3Fee:$30.00Closed
Class:60014 - Suzuki Strings Book 4Fee:$30.00Closed
Class:60015 - Suzuki Strings Book 5Fee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Adult Amateur

Class:60020 - Solo


Class:60030 - Recital



Cello & Double Bass - Preparatory/Introductory

Class:60040 - SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60050 - RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60070 - EtudesFee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 1

Class:60100 - SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60110 - RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60120 - EtudesFee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 2

Class:60200 - SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60210 - RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60220 - EtudesFee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 3

Class:60300 - SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60310 - RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60320 - EtudesFee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 4

Class:60400 - SoloFee:$30.00Closed
Class:60410 - RecitalFee:$40.00Closed
Class:60420 - EtudesFee:$30.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 5

Class:60500 - SoloFee:$34.00Closed
Class:60510 - RecitalFee:$44.00Closed
Class:60520 - EtudesFee:$34.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 6

Class:60600 - SoloFee:$34.00Closed
Class:60610 - RecitalFee:$44.00Closed
Class:60620 - EtudesFee:$34.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 7

Class:60700 - Level 7: SoloFee:$34.00Closed
Class:60710 - Level 7: RecitalFee:$44.00Closed
Class:60720 - Level 7: EtudesFee:$34.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 8

Class:60800 - Level 8: SoloFee:$38.00Closed
Class:60810 - Level 8: RecitalFee:$48.00Closed
Class:60820 - Level 8: EtudesFee:$38.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 9

Class:60900 - Level 9: SoloFee:$38.00Closed
Class:60910 - Level 9: RecitalFee:$48.00Closed
Class:60920 - Level 9: EtudesFee:$38.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Open (Diploma)

Class:61100 - Open (Diploma): SoloFee:$42.00Closed
Class:61110 - Open (Diploma): RecitalFee:$52.00Closed

Cello & Double Bass - Level 10

Class:61000 - Level 10: SoloFee:$38.00Closed
Class:61010 - Level 10: RecitalFee:$48.00Closed
Class:61020 - Level 10: EtudesFee:$38.00Closed